McCarter Anatomy & Physiology

August 20, 2020
by Mrs. McCarter
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New Format

Our new schedule is too complicated for me to list daily assignments and due dates here. See Google Classroom under Weekly Anatomy Assignments for details.

You can still access all Review materials and download assignments/lab activities here. Click on the appropriate tab at the top of this page.

August 14, 2020
by Mrs. McCarter
Comments Off on Week of 8/17/20:

Week of 8/17/20:

Mon. 8/17 (per 6&8 maroon):We will begin the Stations Lab. A copy of the lab can be found by clicking Classwork tab at the top of this page and Chapter 1 Terminology. HW: fill out last column of the LGD worksheet using your book.

Tues. 8/18 (per 4 & 6 gold): Continue with the Stations Lab

Wed. 8/19 (per 8 maroon):Continue with the Stations Lab

Thurs. 8/20 (per 4,6,8, altered schedule, gold):Continue with the Stations Lab

Fri. 8/21 (per 4 maroon):Continue with the Stations Lab HW: LGD quiz next week. Stations lab should be completed by Tuesday. You WILL need to do some of it at home.

coming up: Pickle/Banana Autopsy, LGD quiz

August 3, 2020
by Mrs. McCarter
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Welcome Back!!

Supplies you will need:

Book: Memmler’s Structure and Function of the Human Body, 11th ed.

Bring paper, pencil/pen, highlighters, and charged computer every day. Bring your textbook beginning Mon. 8/17.

Thurs. 8/13 (40 min): Maroon day – Go over hygiene procedures and take questions. See homework on Google Classroom Play the No Guts, No Glory Game!  HW: by Monday, complete your slide on the Meet Your Class google slide and Getting to Know You Questionnaire. 

Fri. 8/14 (30 min): Gold & Silver Day – No Guts, No Glory Game! HW: by Monday, complete your slide on the Meet Your Class google slide and Getting to Know You Questionnaire.

coming up next: Terminology Stations Lab

May 15, 2020
by Mrs. McCarter

Week of 5/18/20:

E-Learning Week #9 – Urinary System and Brain – quick dissections

per 4 meets 9:45am,  per 6 meets at 11:00am, per 8 meets at 1:00pm.

Mon. 5/18: Maroon Day – no Anatomy class.  Make sure you have watched the “Cystic Fibrosis: A Day in the Life” on Edpuzzle video and completed the google form reflection before tomorrow. 

Tues. 5/19: Gold Day: We WILL NOT meet today, but I am available all day for help if you need it.

Today’s assignment:  1. Watch the Kidney Dissection Video found on EdPuzzle. 2. Open your book to page 391. 3. Download or print the Kidney color/label  worksheet to use as you do today’s assignments. Color and label it.    Due Friday.

IMPORTANT: All work must be submitted BEFORE 4pm on FRIDAY!

Want to learn a bit more?

  • There are resources besides your book – see the Classwork tab (then click on Excretory System) above for a powerpoint.
  • Also: This 3D Urinary System is really great and has some drag and drop “self-quizzes” at the bottom of the page.
  • How does kidney dialysis work?  video

Wed. 5/20: work day – relax and get your eyes off the computer and phone screens.  Go outside and enjoy the day!!  I have a lot of optional resources in our Google Folder about Nervous System if you wanted to learn more.  Also, if you have never seen the movie Something the Lord Made, I HIGHLY recommend it. We did not have time to watch it at school and it is copyrighted, so I can’t link it to the website. I believe it is available on Amazon Prime, YouTube movies, Hulu……..

Thurs. 5/21: Maroon Day – Anatomy does not meet. Your Kidney Dissection video and coloring are due tomorrow by 4pm.

Fri. 5/22:  Gold Day  – Last day of school!!!  We will meet to say goodbye. I will send the Google Meets link in our class Group Google Chat 5 minutes before class is set to begin.  per 4 meets 9:45am,  per 6 meets at 11:00am, per 8 meets at 1:00pm.

Today’s optional assignment: Watch the Human Brain Dissection video (12:15 min) on EdPuzzle. This assignment is NOT required, but if you still need a “grade boost”, an A on the EdPuzzle will help you.  If you choose not to complete it, you will see an “X” on Portals (that means exempt and has no effect on your grade). Submit all work you want me to grade BEFORE 4pm TODAY. Final grades are due on Tuesday, and I will need time to make sure everything is done correctly and submitted.

Want to learn a bit more about the nervous system?  I have lots of resources on the Google Folder shared with you a few weeks ago. I would be happy to walk you through any of it.

Have a wonderful summer!  Please come to visit me once school begins again. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know each of you.

May 8, 2020
by Mrs. McCarter

Week of 5/11/20:

E-Learning Week #8 – Respiratory System

per 4 meets 9:45am,  per 6 meets at 11:00am, per 8 meets at 1:00pm.

Mon. 5/11: Maroon Day – no Anatomy class.  Make sure you have watched the “How Covid-19 Kills” Edpuzzle video before tomorrow. 

Tues. 5/12: Gold Day: We WILL meet today since it is the final day with seniors! I will send a Google Meets link about 5 minutes before class begins to our Google Chat.  Per 4 meets at 9:45am,  per 6 meets at 11:00am, per 8 meets at 1:00pm.

Today’s assignment:  Complete the Virtual Spirometry  Lab.  The link to the lab is at the top of the worksheet. You can type your answers directly into the document and then attach it to an email when completed (or convert it to a google doc and share it with me) OR write all your answers in your ALLAN and send me a photo. Due Friday.

Wed. 5/13: work day – relax and get your eyes off the computer and phone screens.  Go outside and enjoy the day!!

I have a lot of optional resources in our Google Folder shared with you last week for those of you that want to learn more about the nervous and urinary systems.  Also, if you have never watched the movie Lorenzo’s Oil, I can highly recommend it. It s a true story that contains a lot of information about the brain and nervous system. It is available on YouTube, Hulu, Amazon Prime…..

Thurs. 5/14: Maroon Day – Anatomy does not meet. Your Virtual Spirometry lab is due tomorrow.

Fri. 5/15:  Gold Day  – No need to meet as a class today since we met on Tuesday, but I am available for questions any  time today.

Today’s assignment: Watch the EdPuzzle Video about “Cystic Fibrosis: A Day in the Life” (12 min). Take note of Mary’s symptoms, treatments she uses, and what challenges she has to her daily life.  Then go to the google form to answer the 4 reflection questions. Due Tuesday 5/19.  Our next class meeting is Friday 5/22 – last day of school!!

Coming up next week: Urinary system and brain dissection



May 1, 2020
by Mrs. McCarter
Comments Off on Week of 5/4/20:

Week of 5/4/20:

E-Learning Week #7 – Respiratory System

per 4 meets 9:45am,  per 6 meets at 11:00am, per 8 meets at 1:00pm.

Mon. 5/4: Maroon Day – no Anatomy class.  Make sure you at least have pages 1&2 of the Respiratory System guided notes are completed for tomorrow.

Tues. 5/5: Gold Day:   No need to meet as a class today, but I am available for questions any  time today via email, text, or GoogleChat.

Today’s assignment:  1.  Complete the guided notes worksheet. Use the hyperlinked google slides (link at top of guided notes) or your book pg 327-330.   The entire packet is due this Friday.

2.  Watch the EdPuzzle video about “Respiratory System of the Fetal Pig” (6 min)

Wed. 5/6: work day

Thurs. 5/7: Maroon Day – Anatomy does not meet. Your guided notes over the respiratory system is due tomorrow.

Fri. 5/8:  Gold Day  – NO NEED TO MEET TODAY – we will meet on Tuesday next week, however, since it is the last time I will see the seniors!  Sniff, sniff…..

Today’s assignment: Watch the EdPuzzle Video about “How Covid-19 Kills”. Now that you know how the lungs are structured (and we studied viruses earlier this year), this should make a lot of sense to you.  Remember that Covid-19 has glycoproteins that need to attach to a receptor on human cells just like HIV has the CCR5 and CD4 receptors.

Not required, but here is a really interesting article that refutes the way we are treating patients by using ventilators. There is mounting evidence about covid-19 NOT being ARDS and that putting patients on ventilators too soon is doing more harm than good!

Coming up next week: Spirometry virtual lab and cystic fibrosis. Last day for seniors is Tuesday so we will meet on Tuesday 5/12.



April 24, 2020
by Mrs. McCarter

Week of 4/27/20:

E-Learning Week #6 – Respiratory System

Cadaver Lab/Medical Academic Center has a Summer Medical Boot Camp that is AMAZING! Scholarships are available and I can write you a recommendation letter if you want.  Click on the documents below for more information. They are almost full, so don’t wait!

How to Apply flyer


Scholarship information

per 4 meets 9:45am,  per 6 meets at 11:00am, per 8 meets at 1:00pm.

Mon. 4/27: Maroon Day – no Anatomy class.  Make sure Skeletal Packet is completed for tomorrow. Send me photos   when you are finished.

Tues. 4/28: Gold Day:   No need to meet as a class today, but I am available for questions all day today via email, text, GoogleChat.

  1. Log onto EdPuzzle, watch the Respiratory System video (8:45 min long) and answer the questions that go along with the video.

2. Then read the article Everest First Ascents: Altitude Danger and answer the 10 multiple choice questions on this google form: . You should have plenty of time to complete the assignment within the one hour “class period”, but it is due by Friday 5/1.

Wed. 4/29: work day. Are you bored? Want to learn something fascinating?  Try this video – Fibrodysplasia ossificans, A Disease that Turns Muscle into Bone:

Thurs. 4/30: Maroon Day – Anatomy does not meet. Your Altitude case study is due tomorrow.

Fri. 5/1:  Gold Day  – I will send a Google Meets link via Google Chat about 5 minutes before class begins.  Per 4 meets at 9:45am,  per 6 meets at 11:00am, per 8 meets at 1:00pm.  Today’s agenda: Check in and Q&A. Then a quick Google Form “exit ticket” (kind of like an open note quiz) about skeletal system.

Today’s assignment:  Begin reading the book about Respiratory System. Work on the guided notes worksheet. Use the hyperlinked google slides (link at top of guided notes) or your book pg 327-330. You will also have Tuesday 5/5 to work on this, so do pages 1 &2 today to keep pace.  The entire packet is due next Friday.

Coming up next week: Respiratory System!



April 17, 2020
by Mrs. McCarter

Week of 4/20/20:

E-Learning Week #5 – Skeletal System

Cadaver Lab/Medical Academic Center has a Summer Medical Boot Camp that is AMAZING! Scholarships are available. Click on the documents below for more information. They are almost full, so don’t wait!

How to Apply flyer


Scholarship information


Gold Day schedule:  per 4 meets 9:45am,  per 6 meets at 11:00am, per 8 meets at 1:00pm.

Mon. 4/20: Maroon Day – no Anatomy class.  Make sure pg 1-3 of Skeletal Packet are completed. It is OK to send me photos as you go or in its entirety when you are finished.

Tues. 4/21: Gold Day:   No need to meet as a class today, but I am available for questions any time after 11:00am today via email, text, GoogleChat.

Today’s goal on the Skeletal Packet: complete pages 4 and 5 about the skull and spine. Use pages 101-105 of your book for help. The entire packet is due Tues. 4/28.


Wed. 4/22: work or rest day- keep your eyes off your computer screen as much as possible. Get outside!

Really bored or too cold to go outside?  Cool video – I shared the Camel Dissection video few weeks ago.  I also really like this Python Dissection video for the information on its bone and muscle structure plus the digestive system.

Thurs. 4/23: Maroon Day – Anatomy does not meet.

Fri. 4/24:  Gold Day  –  I normally would like to meet every Friday, but I’m not sure that we really need to meet today since today’s work is a culmination of the assignment we have been doing for a week and many of you have already finished it.  I am available for help or questions all day.

Today’s goal on the skeletal packet: finish the packet today. Do pages 6- 8 about the full skeleton, hip, hand and foot.  Use pages 96, 106-111 from your book. The whole packet is due on 4/28. Send me your photos once you complete it.

Coming up next week: Respiratory System!

April 9, 2020
by Mrs. McCarter
Comments Off on Week of 4/13/20:

Week of 4/13/20:

E-Learning Week #4

Cadaver Lab/Medical Academic Center has a Summer Medical Boot Camp that is AMAZING! Scholarships are available. Click on the documents below for more information. They are over half full, so don’t wait!

How to Apply flyer


Scholarship information

Mon. 4/13: no school – Easter Monday

Tues. 4/14: Gold Day: We ARE going to meet quickly today since I wasn’t able to meet last week when my internet went out. I will send a Google Meets link in our Google Chat 5 minutes before class begins. Per4: 9:45am, per 6: 11:00am,  per 8: 1:00pm.

Today:    Log onto EdPuzzle to watch the Skeletal System video and answer the questions that go with the video. Jot down notes as you watch, as they will be helpful when completing the skeletal system worksheets coming up on Friday.  If you have time, and would like to begin the packet, you may do so.

Wed. 4/15: work and rest day. I know it’s kind of cold and yucky outside, but at least get out of your pjs,  get off your bed and away from your computer screen!   Super bored?  If you haven’t heard from this South Korean covid-19 and infectious disease specialist, he is very informative!  This is exactly why I spent so long teaching you about the immune response and viruses (although viruses and bacteria are not technically part of an Anatomy curriculum). He does a good job of explaining relapse vs. reinfection, why cotton masks don’t work, and the immune response to this and why young people are dying, too.  I especially love the “cytokine storm” explanation.

Thurs. 4/16: Maroon Day – Anatomy does not meet

Fri. 4/17:  Gold Day – There will be no need to meet as a class today. I will be available for help anytime after 11:00am if you need me via email, text, Google Chat/Meets.

This week you will be working on the Skeletal System worksheet packet. It would be easier to print it out – saves you from sitting on your computer so much, too. But it isn’t necessary to print it. You can trace/sketch the images onto a piece of paper or convert the document into a Word doc and add textboxes and inking colors to the images.

Today’s goal:  complete pages 1-3 about the long bone structure and histology. You will find help with this topic on pages 97- 98, 68-69 of your book.  The entire packet is due Tues 4/28. (for pacing: do pg 1-3 today, pg 4-5 on 4/21, and pg 6-8 on 4/24)

Coming up next week:  next Google Meets check in Friday 4/24.  Continue with the skeletal system.

March 27, 2020
by Mrs. McCarter

Week of 4/6/20:

E-Learning Week #3

Mon. 4/6: no school.  We will meet on “Gold Days” at the following times: per 4- 9:45am,  per 6 – 11:00am,   per 8 – 1:00pm. We will not necessarily meet as a class unless indicated on the weekly assignment list below. I will also send you a Google Chat and text message reminder.

*Due to the change in our school schedule, I will be ending the chapter on muscles early. We are going to move on to joints and skeleton next.  The plan for the rest of the semester is to spend 3 weeks on skeletal system, 3 weeks on Respiratory system, and 1 week on the urinary system.

Tues. 4/7: Maroon Day, no Anatomy classes

Wed. 4/8: Gold Day – Topic: Muscles and Joints. No need to meet as a class today, but I will be available for help via Google Chat, email or text.

1. Watch the video on chicken wing dissection (6min)  2. Then watch the video below – Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, Sidelined: Youth Sports Injuries (11 min). Send me an email or share a google doc that includes a 2 paragraph summary and reflection of the Sports Injuries video.  You should have plenty of time to complete this within the hour. Due by Tuesday 4/14.

Thurs. 4/9: Maroon Day – no Anatomy classes

Fri. 4/10: no classes- Good Friday.  I will see you on Tuesday 4/14!  If you have time and are interested, this is an amazing video series.  Inside Nature’s Giants. The camel dissection  video is my favorite!

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